People Will Pay To Know What You Know About Your Favorite Topic
You Can Make Money Online By Creating And Selling Checklists
About The Things You Love
Doing Or Talking About Most
Whether It’s Fantasy Football, Homeschooling, Disney Vacations, Losing Weight, Housetraining Puppies Or Just About Anything, There Are Buyers!
If You Can Create Checklists About Things You’re Interested In,
You Can Make Money Helping Others Get Results They’re After.
There is something that you know a lot about. It could be something you have plenty of knowledge about or experience in. It could be related to your work, your hobby or your life. It could be something that you read about in blogs and books. It could be something you participate in or spend money on. It could be photography, living with M.S., college life, golf, restoring muscle cars, youth ministry, vegan diets, marriage, small business, Branson Missouri, self-publishing, home decorating, weight lifting, skincare, RV travel. It. Could. Be. Anything. There are a lot of things you can do with what you know and one of them is to share what you know with other people so you can help them solve their problems, reach their goals and/or enjoy their interests. While you could create a course, membership site, ebook, or guide to sell to them, one of the easiest things you can do is create a set of checklists that other people buy from you. These are easy to create, don’t require any “writing” background, can be written on just about any imaginable topic, and have a ready-made audience of customers who will pay to know what you know. That is, if you create the kinds of checklists that are in-demand and include the kind of details that people want to know. I can help you with that…
Start With What You Know Best. Teach Others The Steps To Follow.
Earn Extra Income Working Your Own Schedule From The Comfort Of Home.
Introducing: Checklists That Sell
68-Page PDF Available For Immediate Download
You will appreciate this “no fluff, no filler” jam-packed course that is fully loaded with “easy-to-understand, easy-to-use” lessons that will provide dozens of tips, ideas and examples for creating sellable packages of 10 checklists about your favorite topic. You’ll learn how to take what you know and build informative mini-blueprints to help your audience reach their desired outcomes. You can sell these for $19.97 (or more) per order … over and over again.
Specifically, here are the ten lessons included in Checklists That Sell…
• How To Create Checklists About Things You Love Doing That Others Will Buy
• 5 Types Of Checklists That Your Clients Will Appreciate And Put Into Action
• 7 Things To Include In Each Checklist So Users Get The Outcome They Want
• What An Ideal Set Of Checklists That People Want To Buy Looks Like
• The Five Essentials For Flawless Execution Of Your Checklists
• How To Brainstorm Ideas, Research Points And Organize The Perfect Checklist
• Getting Other People To Prepare Exclusive Checklists For You (That You Sell)
• 5 Costly Blunders That Are Easily Made But Easily Avoided (By Simple Tweaks)
• 7 Ways To Build In Automatic “Bonus Bucks” For Each Checklist You Create
• Going Big: Turning Simple Checklists Into A Thriving Business
Checklists That Sell is a jam-packed, up-to-date course that includes only the essential best practices for creating information products in the form of checklists. This course is perfect for you if you are looking for a simple, straightforward training for creating step-by-step systems to help others solve their problems, reach their goals and enjoy their interests … about the very subjects you already love and know a lot about.
Each lesson in the course is approximately 4-7 pages making them easy to read, digest and put to work immediately. It is also perfect for beginners and up, simple enough that newbies can use it, and insightful enough that seasoned pros can glean from it. As usual, it is written in the style I’m known for … making things simple.
Wait! What Do You Mean By “Checklist?”
When I talk about “checklists,” I’m not talking about a page-long list of one-sentence points. Instead, these 3-4 page checklists are more like “mini-blueprints.” That is, you elaborate on each point with explanations, tips, templates and examples for how to do something. Your checklist not only provides the steps of a process, it also provides details on what to do within those steps. It’s still short enough to print, yet it provides details that are sure to get your customers referring to it again and again. Don’t worry, I’ll show you exactly what to include in each checklist and even give you real examples of checklists that are currently being sold to others using this very system.
SIDEBAR: Envision this similar to an entry in a tour book like Frommer’s. There are pieces of advice, must-see/do points of interest, insider notes, tips, and suggestions for forming an itinerary so a traveler makes the most of a trip without wasting time and money on less important pursuits. That’s what your checklists will do … share not just the steps, but the details that make the most of those steps.
In Checklists That Sell, you’ll learn how to turn your favorite topic into a set of sellable checklists that makes a difference for your audience and makes money for your business. While there are a lot of products available that teach how to create your own information products, there aren’t many (if any) other ones that explain how to create CHECKLISTS that other people will buy. If you’re looking for an easy way to package and sell what you know, it doesn’t get much easier than this. Best of all, with this course, you’ll learn what has been PROVEN TO WORK (this isn’t theory – I really have made tens of thousands of dollars selling checklists) so you can PUT THIS TO WORK for yourself.
And because I’m a big believer in letting others “try it before you buy it,” I’ll even let you download the first lesson from Checklists That Sell at no charge to see if this course is a good fit for you…

Choose From Two Great Ways To Put This Course To Work For You
Do You Want To Read This Course Yourself Or Sell This Course To Others?
This 10-Lesson Course Is Backed By My “No Fluff, No Filler” Guarantee
And Is Jam-Packed With Immediately Useable Ideas, Examples, And Tips!

Option One: Private Label Rights (PLR)
Would you like to SELL this product for $19.97 per order and keep 100% of sale you make? This is the option for you! When you order the PLR version, you will get this product in editable .docx format for you to rebrand and sell as your own. You will also get a mini-sales page in .docx format. Simply format it to match your current site design, insert your order button, and you’re ready to take orders. Sell just a handful of copies, and you‘ll have your investment returned. Everything else is pure profit! You can add your name and branding to it, edit it in any way you want, extract from it or add to it or distribute it as is, sell it or give it away in whole or in part, and use it as if you wrote it yourself. There are many ways you can use this product in your business… click here for ideas and terms of use. Note: There are no refunds for PLR.
You will receive the product and salesletter in editable DOCX format.
You MAY sell or give away any portion of the product to other people.

Option Two: Master Licensing (Sell PLR)
Would you like to SELL sell licensing to the product for $97.00 per order and keep 100% of every sale you make (plus sell personal use versions of the product for $19.97)? This is the option for you! When you order the master PLR version, you will receive all of the benefits of PLR licensing (Option Two above) plus your master PLR license entitles you sell licensing (PLR, resell / resale, etc.) to the entire course. Or you can take any piece out of the course and sell PLR licensing to that individual piece. Or you can compile multiple pieces to create your own unique package of PLR content to sell to others. Or you can tweak any of the content and create new PLR from it. You cannot advertise PLR to this package for less than $97 $47 (“MAP” pricing – minimum advertised price) unless you request and receive special permission in writing. Note: There are no refunds for Master PLR.
You will receive the product and salesletter in editable DOCX format.
You MAY sell the product AND licensing to the product to other people.
Or, If You Do Not Wish To License This Content To Sell As Your Own And Only Want To
Purchase A Copy For Personal Reading, Click Here To Order For Just $19.97
Best regards,

P.S. Still on the fence? Download the excerpt from the product above and take some time to read it. You’ll see exactly what kind of product this is, and why it can be so helpful to you in serving your audience and profitable to your business as you serve them. But don’t take too much time … you’ll want to put this product to use as soon as possible to start getting results.
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