Does This Sound Like A Dream Business To You?
Make Money Helping Other People
While You Work Your Own Hours
From The Comfort Of Your Own Home
E-Learning is a multi-billion dollar per year industry that you can be a part of to share life-changing content with others who want to know what you know.
Work Wherever You Want. Work Whenever You Want.
Help Others Solve Problems, Reach Goals & Enjoy Interests.
Selling information products (or promoting them as an affiliate for a commission) such as courses, membership sites, guidebooks, coaching programs, licensed content and other similar offers is a great way to create long-term sustainable income while you make a difference in the lives of other people. The problem is, it can be very frustrating and futile if you try to figure out on your own how to set up such a business. The overwhelming majority of people who try it that way end up wasting time and wasting money only to call it quits in the end. Fortunately, that doesn’t have to be you. Whether you’re a beginner who is just starting out or a veteran who wants to learn how to work less while getting better results, you can avoid the common mistakes and obstacles that might otherwise cause you to fail. It’s time for you to learn exactly what is “essential” to a successful business so you can avoid “shiny objects” and other unnecessary time-wasters. Let’s start turning your dream into reality – a business you love that makes money for you while you help other people.
Here’s How To Get Your Business Off The Ground As Quickly As Possible
And Then Take It To The Next Level As Quickly As Possible…
Introducing: Businessentials
84-Page PDF Available For Immediate Download
You will appreciate this “no fluff, no filler” jam-packed course that is fully loaded with “easy-to-understand, easy-to-use” lessons that will help you create a workable plan to follow in order to generate real benefit for your audience and real profit for your business. You’ll learn how to choose your market, define your purpose, set your goals, focus on the minimum steps, maximize your results, utilize your strengths, make a real difference and earn real money through your business.
Specifically, here are the ten lessons included in Businessentials…
• What Does A Dream Business Look Like For You?
• Five Must-Haves For Choosing Your I.D.E.A.L. Market
• Crafting A Mission Statement That Defines Your Identity And Impact
• 4 Proven Models For Earning $100,000 C.A.S.H. Per Year
• How To Get Maximum Results In Minimal Steps
• The 4 Key Parts Of Your Customer’s Path To Profitability (+What To Put There)
• Three Set It And Forget It Ways To Grow Your Business 24/7
• The #1 Way To Simplify, Structure And Scale Your Business
• How To Create A Weekly Routine That Works For You
• How To Get Unstuck Any Time You Can’t Move Forward
Businessentials is a completely original, easy-to-understand, easy-to-use course that includes only the essential best practices which come from more than 20 years of personal experience selling information-based products. This course is perfect for those who are looking for a simple, straightforward solution to help others and make money without strong-arm tactics. If you care about your community, your reputation and your bottom line, then you’ll appreciate the way online business is explained in this course.
Each lesson in the course is approximately 4-7 pages making them easy to read, digest and put to work immediately. It is also perfect for beginners and up, simple enough that newbies can use it, and insightful enough that seasoned pros can glean from it. As usual, it is written in the style I’m known for … making things simple. Whether you want to help people raise a special needs child, restore classic cars, rekindle romance in a struggling marriage, run their first ultramarathon, rid their lives of chronic back pain or any of countless other topics from your passions, background, knowledge or experience, there is a customer base waiting to know what you know!
This really is a “dream” business…
It lets you set your own hours, work from anywhere in the world, help other people,
and put money into your bank account … even when you’re not working.
Now, I know you’re excited. But before you order, there’s one thing I want you to understand: The purpose of this course is to help you get a workable plan in place to start and scale your business. And it will deliver on that! But there are some things that we do not cover such as the legal aspects of your business (accounting/taxes, incorporating, laws and regulations), funding your business, starting a business outside of the E-learning industry, generating traffic, or the technical aspects of setting up your business. These aren’t covered specifically in this course, but they can easily be explored after your workable plan is in place (which needs to come first).
In Businessentials, you’ll learn how to assemble only the minimal, necessary parts of a successful online business into a plan you can follow as you connect “an offer and a buyer” over and over again. Included in this course are real examples of the critical parts so you can understand how to put them to work in your business, as well as actual “assignments” for you to complete so you can make immediate progress as you start and / or scale your business.
And because I’m a big believer in letting others “try it before you buy it,” I’ll even let you download the first lesson from Businessentials at no charge to see if this course is a good fit for you…

Choose From Two Great Ways To Put This Course To Work For You
Do You Want To Read This Course Yourself Or Sell This Course To Others?
This 10-Lesson Course Is Backed By My “No Fluff, No Filler” Guarantee
And Is Jam-Packed With Immediately Useable Ideas, Examples, And Tips!

Option One: Private Label Rights (PLR)
Would you like to SELL this product for $19.97 per order and keep 100% of sale you make? This is the option for you! When you order the PLR version, you will get this product in editable .docx format for you to rebrand and sell as your own. You will also get a mini-sales page in .docx format. Simply format it to match your current site design, insert your order button, and you’re ready to take orders. Sell just a handful of copies, and you‘ll have your investment returned. Everything else is pure profit! You can add your name and branding to it, edit it in any way you want, extract from it or add to it or distribute it as is, sell it or give it away in whole or in part, and use it as if you wrote it yourself. There are many ways you can use this product in your business… click here for ideas and terms of use. Note: There are no refunds for PLR.
You will receive the product and salesletter in editable DOCX format.
You MAY sell or give away any portion of the product to other people.

Option Two: Master Licensing (Sell PLR)
Would you like to SELL sell licensing to the product for $97.00 per order and keep 100% of every sale you make (plus sell personal use versions of the product for $19.97)? This is the option for you! When you order the master PLR version, you will receive all of the benefits of PLR licensing (Option Two above) plus your master PLR license entitles you sell licensing (PLR, resell / resale, etc.) to the entire course. Or you can take any piece out of the course and sell PLR licensing to that individual piece. Or you can compile multiple pieces to create your own unique package of PLR content to sell to others. Or you can tweak any of the content and create new PLR from it. You cannot advertise PLR to this package for less than $97 $47 (“MAP” pricing – minimum advertised price) unless you request and receive special permission in writing. Note: There are no refunds for Master PLR.
You will receive the product and salesletter in editable DOCX format.
You MAY sell the product AND licensing to the product to other people.
Or, If You Do Not Wish To License This Content To Sell As Your Own And Only Want To
Purchase A Copy For Personal Reading, Click Here To Order For Just $19.97
Best regards,

P.S. Still on the fence? Download the excerpt from the product above and take some time to read it. You’ll see exactly what kind of product this is, and why it can be so helpful to you in serving your audience and profitable to your business as you serve them. But don’t take too much time … you’ll want to put this product to use as soon as possible to start getting results.
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