Free Licensing To My Premium Content!
Including… Articles, Cheat Sheets, Checklists, Courses, Emails,
Images, Lessons, Modules, Reports, Sales letters, Scripts,
Templates, Worksheets, Complete Products And More!

Join My Free Community Of PLR Users To Get Free PLR To Use
Hey there, Content Creator, it’s Jimmy D. Brown here.
I’m inviting you to be a part of my community to receive free licensing to my content. Over the coming weeks and months, I’ll equip people just like you with a variety of licenses and products that you can use in a variety of ways to make money.
This will include these kinds of licenses…
• PLR Licensing. With this kind of licensing you can edit, rebrand and use the content as if you wrote it yourself.
• Resale Rights Licensing. With this kind of licensing, you can sell the product as is and keep 100% of every sale you generate.
• Master Rights Licensing. With this kind of licensing, you can pass on rights to other people too.
• Rebrandable Rights Licensing. With this kind of licensing, you can insert a referral link inside the content to earn commissions.
• Giveaway Rights Licensing. With this kind of licensing, you can offer the content freely to others to build your list and get traffic.
With each piece, package or product you receive from me, you’ll also receive a license detailing what you can do to use the content to serve your audience and grow your business (along with restrictions for what you cannot do).
What kind of content? There will be a mix of…
Articles, Cheat Sheets, Checklists, Courses, Emails, Images, Lessons, Modules, Reports,
Sales letters, Scripts, Templates, Worksheets, Complete Products And More
These content pieces will range in length from a 1,000 word lesson to a 50+ page product complete with salesletter. You can use them all to generate new subscribers for your list, generate new traffic to your site and generate new revenue by creating sellable products.
It. Will. Be. Awesome.
Now, if you know me, then you know that I’m known for three things when it comes to licensing content…
1. I’m the guy who coined the phrase “private label” rights and started the PLR industry as we know it.
2. My content is licensed by smart business owners on every continent on the planet except Antarctica.
3. I’m known for simplifying complex information in an “easy-to-understand, easy-to-use” style that people love.
None of that is meant to be boasting. Quite the contrary. I’m about as “low-key” as it comes in this industry. But, it is important for you to know that when it comes to creating and licensing content … I know what I’m doing. (Hint: I’ve been doing it for over 20 years.)
You’ll be happy you joined this free community to get free licensing.
That’s pretty much guaranteed.
Let me also say this: my content isn’t “cheap.” Don’t misinterpret the fact that I’m giving you this licensing and think it’s because my materials aren’t very valuable. It’s actually just the opposite of that. I don’t compete on price; I compete on quality. That’s why my paid content comes at a premium price.
I’m. Not. Cheap.
I charge a lot for my licensing. And my customers keep coming back for more. Why? Because it makes money for them.
That’s what I want to happen for you.
If you aren’t already a customer, you’ll discover why so many people love my content as soon as you download the first free licensing offer below. I’m reasonably sure you’ll be giddy once you start reading through it.
So … enough build-up. Let’s get you downloading your first license. It’s a $97 resale rights license (that’s a REAL price, not something I just made up) to Membercome 2.0, a 68-page course covering 10 lessons for starting a $100,000 per year membership site.
When you download it below, you’ll also be enrolled in the free community.
Approximately every 14 days (give or take), you’ll receive an email notification
with a download link for the next free licensed content.
That’s it. No credit card on file. No obligation to buy anything. No monthly fees.
Just. Free. Licensing.
To summarize…
You Will Receive A Mix Of PLR Licensing, Resale Rights Licensing, Master Licensing, Rebrandable Licensing
And Giveaway Licensing … Every Other Week At Absolutely No Cost Or Obligation To You.
Plus, to keep things exciting…
I’m going to include some extra “unannounced, unexpected, unscheduled” bonus done-for-you content as a special treat. Again at no cost or obligation to you. Get your first license right now…

Download Your Complete Course With $97.00 License
Free Resale Rights Licensing
To Membercome 2.0
Sell This Course For $19.97 Per Order And Keep 100% Of Every Sale You Make
If you don’t already have an Earncome account, you will need to register (free).
If you do already have an Earncome account, use your existing login to add this licensing.
Best regards,

P.S. Don’t forget to check your email for a “welcome” message from me. If you don’t receive this, you won’t receive any future notifications of free licensing that I’m sending your way. Should you not receive the email within a few hours, open a ticket at the help desk through the contact button below (after checking your spam and junk folders), and someone will assist you.
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